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As tempting as it is to start a blog, there is a lot more to it than meets the
novice's sight. All that smooth, easy-to-
read, and interesting writing that
you've come to admire from your
favorite bloggers doesn't just appear
randomly or without a certain amount
of sweat and a great deal of reflecting
Blogging can be great fun all the same
and it's an ideal learning experience for you if you are a writer.
This article is focused on helping
you to avoid the

Common Mistakes   lots of bloggers make;

Be original.
More than anything else, what really
matters about your blog is that it
represents you and is genuinely
unique. While you still need to
harmonize your messaging to what
people want to read, whatever you
write must be extracted with your
unusual take and style.

Discard any notions that it's alright to harvest a bunch of news stories and drop them straight into your blog
Nobody will want to read that when
they have  probably already read
them somewhere else. Instead,
take those news stories and add
your angle to them, give people
your opinion on the news story,
providing your conclusions about
the consequences or moral involved.

Don't copy
Directly related
to being original is the issue
of not copying. Don't assume that
no-one will recognize "borrowed"
material; they will without doubt. And think of it the other way
around – would you want someone
"borrowing" your hard efforts? something you used your time to get! It
common courtesy, to tell your readers where you got your information from. Blog readers are both keen insight  and
widely read; they will spot a copied
story a mile off and won't appreciate it.

Although it can seem
very tempting when you're starting
out to use the words of others,
resist doing so and persist with
writing original content. Start small
and get into a rhythm; over time,
it'll get easier.
Being original with your.content increases your reader's trust in you. Your readers will soon grow to
know, appreciate, and expect your writing style. copyright problems
if you want to copy, do so by using quotes  with the relationship  made very clear. Another benefit of making a connection  is that it enables
readers to visit your sources and learn more for themselves, something that
many blog readers appreciate
and expect.

Do some research about
If you're absolutely serious about becoming a good blogger, it's important to learn from bloggers who have already trodden this territory well and worked out what does, and does not work. If you're targeting people other than your very forgiving family and friends, knowing what other
bloggers have done is vital. Read
what the best bloggers have to say
about their experiences of blogging
and their advice to new bloggers.

Consider your writing style.
If you're used to writing in a technical, academic, or formal way, blog writing might come as a bit of a shock. Blog
writing style tends to be more
conversational, peppered with a lot
of your own opinion (however
outrageous!), and above all, it
needs to be interesting. The writing
style best suited for you will come
down to the content of your blog
and its likely readership. Clearly, a
blog that is more technical in nature can carry more technical writing but even then, your readers will want you to break down the latest techno-whizz gadget to terms that they can understand and digest quickly.

Be careful to avoid preaching at your readers.
For many blogs, readers are looking for you to meet with them eye- to-eye, not to sermonize, scold, or seem superior. them. Treat them as equals.
Expect to be humble, and to
share foibles that each of us experiences in daily life. A
sense of humor and humility
are always important for a
good blogger.

Layout: Headers are useful subheadings help break up large topics and pictures and give the eyes a rest. Block quotes can work well, and
leaving space allows the reader to feel relaxed, not rushed or overwhelmed. Try to use short paragraphs, no
matter the length of the post. Use bolding to draw out important points and tocapture the attention of the
reader (bolding also interests
the search engine but that's
another matter).

Editing: Check your spelling
and your grammar. Never underestimate the importance of this. Your expertise in the blog content
won't shine if your spelling is
questionable. Revise, revise, revise: Cut it out if in doubt and say it with less. The polishing aspect can
sometimes take longer than
the original write-up but it's
worth the effort to ensure
that your readers remain

Be creative. Even if you're a
brilliant author, words alone
won't make a blog. Most readers
expect the blog to look impressive,
and to be accompanied by at least
one photo or image. Visuals add
sparkle and capture people's attention. As with anything, don't overuse them – just seek to get the

balance right.
Use your common sense
when assessing how much is
too much – if you're adding a
photography, how-to, or
recipe post, you'll be able to
get away with more photos
than say, a political or
opinion piece blog post.

Think about what you're going to title your blog posts.
You could have the most relevant information on the topic,
but if it has a boring title, it won't
be read. Use headlines that draw in
readers and that search engines
latch onto. Posting of negative things is not proper.
The search engine element is an art in and of itself which you'll eventually find
yourself learning more about. For
now, however, some key pointers
to bear in mind include:

Use words that marketers use to capture attention. There
are several "Top 10 English Words" lists available online used by marketers to grab attention (do for one). Adding words like "you" to the title may sound banal
but according to marketing
research, strategic use of the
top 10 words can bring
readers to open links to your

Ask questions in headings or
create dangling information
that has the reader wondering what the next piece of information will be.
Make your heading tantalizing
so that it prods the reader
into wanting to read more - if
your heading speaks to a
need in a reader, then they'll
love it. Top of the list is "How
Keep the title simple. The
simpler, the better, and try to
keep the title less than 40
characters and the search
engine will also love your

Also Read:- How To track your visitor on your website

Encourage comments.
People will read your words
of wisdom but they won't tell you
what they think because the
majority of people (and that means
around 99 percent) won't unless
prompted. You'll get a significantly
larger number of comments if you
ask for them.
Don't close down your comments feature. It's important not to fear
comments - they're a pulse
on your blog, letting you know that people are responding to your blogging, whether negatively or
positively. If your blog is
really good, you'll get both
sides of the responses, which
is ideal!

Make it easy for your readers
to comment. Readers don't
want to jump through hoops.
Balance making them sign in
and using CAPTCHA fixes
For upcoming bloggers try to avoid this

Common mistake lots of bloggers make

in order to avoid low SEO.
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