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Congratulations! You got accepted to a university, and you'll start classes soon. It'll be different than high school, and probably a lot more challenging. Here are

some ways to get off to a good
start in higher institution

and build momentum to get yourself through that first term.

Attend orientation
Many schools have an orientation before classes begin. Even if it's
only a couple of days, you should make every effort to attend. It is an
opportunity to meet your future classmates and to become familiar
with on- and off-campus resources of all sorts. Depending on the
school, it might also be the right time to sign up for your first term's
classes, take placement exams, register for student housing, or
take care of other administrative details. Orientation may also be the
time when you begin registering for classes.

If travel costs or schedule conflicts prevent you from attending your orientation,
communicate with the school to find out what you are missing and how and when
you may be able to make up whatever is required.

Arrive before classes start.
If you are moving out of your parents home to live in or near the school, you'll have a household, or at least a dorm room, to set up. Even if you're commuting, you'll need to get your textbooks, and you may need a parking permit. In any case, you'll likely need a student ID. Identify and take care
of as many basic details before classes begin as you can, so you can focus on your classes when the time comes.

Pay attention to your course catalog Watch for class timing and prerequisites.
If the first course in a three-course series is only offered in fall, make sure you take it in fall of the
appropriate year. Counselors and advisers in your department can
help you identify such courses. Start out with a moderate
course load. If you're required to take 12 units per term
to be a full time student, take
12-15 your first term, not 18 or 20.

Add on classes during subsequent terms as you feel you can reasonably do so.
Add on reasonable extracurricular activities as you get the feel for
managing your time. Choose a major or at least
a direction that you like and that you're good at, and stick to it. This can be tough to do
when you're still discovering who you are, but chances are that you
already generally know whether you're better at math or writing. If
you're still trying to decide, choose a general direction and see if your
school has overview or introductory classes to start to
explore different majors. In the meantime, begin taking the general
classes needed for fields such as yours. For instance, if physiology,
pre-med, and nursing all require biology and chemistry, those
would be good classes to take while you zero in on your specific major.

Also Read: How to succeed in exams
You are thinking of changing majors, be aware of
what credits will carry over, and what classes you may
have to start over. Talk with a councilor or other adviser to understand how much time
your intended switch will add to your academic career.
There's nothing wrong with changing majors, but make sure you go in with your eyes open and change for the right reasons.

Apply yourself
Go to lectures. Read the syllabus. Take notes. Do your homework.
Read or at least review the textbook. Ask questions. Go to office hours. Go to labs, TA sessions, and anything else the class requires or recommends.

Get help.

Form study groups with classmates. Make at least one acquaintance in each class and
trade contact information so you can share notes if you must miss a
lecture. Find out if the campus, or a club or the TA offer tutoring.
Some professors and TAs will review your homework or paper
with you if you bring it in ahead of the deadline.

You'll find video lectures, notes, and forums about most academic subjects online. They can be excellent supplements if something isn't making sense. Figure out what works for you, and what you need to do to succeed at your chosen curriculum with your natural study style. Are you a visual
learner, auditory, or kin esthetic? Do you remember things you see
on flashcards, or does it seem to work better to do the homework
and repeat key items to yourself? There's no one right way to study,
but chances are there are better and worse ways for your study style and your chosen field.

Keep a calendar and a task list to make sure you don't miss assignments or forget deadlines.
Learn what tools work best for you to manage your time.
Get enough rest, eat well, and get some exercise. Yes, the occasional all- nighter may be needed, but it is worth the time you will spend to keep your life as balanced as possible.

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a good start in higher institution

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